Saturday, March 15, 2008


Neti Neti
Tatwato Na Navatmasau Shabdarashirna Bhairavaha
Nachasau Trishiro Devaha Nacha Shaktitrayathmakaha

To understand what consciousness is, it is necessary to know what consciousness is not. Shiva, the first teacher of Yoga, negates Devi's suppositions that the Bhairava's form or consciousness is the nine forms of energy which include the five elements of earth, water, fire, air, space, mind, energy, sun and moon, the various mantras or sounds which are a garland of letters, the three patterns of energy flow - the Ida - feminine, Pingala - masculine and Sushumna - neutral or the three forms of creative forces - the Iccha Shakti - the energy of desire, the Kriya Shakthi - the energy of action and Gnana Shakthi - the energy of knowledge.
How much ever science probes the world outside, splitting the atom or watching outer space, it still continues to dabble with different forms of energy only. It does not touch consciousness which is the very being that supports all the search and research.
If the different forms of energy can be likened to a cell, Shiva, Bhairava or Consciousness can be likened to the being that observes the cell through the eyes and the microscope. Shiva is that being which writes this and reads it too. - Swahilya Shambhavi.
(Picture: You guessed it right! The lady far behind is the Statue of Liberty in the Atlantic Ocean near Manhattan, New York.)


Meena said...

You keep surprising me! Glad to know that you have spun Vignana Bhairava Tantra into a new blog! It really deserves that space,

Swahilya Shambhavi said...

Welcome Meena.