Jobless Silence
Dikkalakalanonmukta Deshoddeshavisheshini
Vyapadeshtum Ashakyaasavakathyaa Paramarthathaha
What is the Supreme Reality, the Truth or the One Consciousness? It is not anything that we see, hear, smell, taste and touch. It is not confined by directions and time. It is even free of space and has neither a job nor intention. It is not possible to describe with words, the supreme truth which is beyond qualities and attributes. To understand the nature of the Supreme Truth, we can watch this computer screen. There are pixels of letters and images on the screen. The screen represents the supreme truth and juxtaposed against the screen is the mind which is represented by the words and images. In a deeper sense, the one that views this computer screen and understands what he or she see on it is the Supreme Truth, through the windows of the senses.
How do you think of such analogies? I would never have thought of the computer screen as an image of the Supreme Truth!It is true that we cannot describe the Supreme in words, which are by nature inadequate.
Ha ha! I don't think. It comes from the same supreme truth and I simply allow it, that's all!
I believe the Supreme Truth is so powerful that our minds couldn't handle even a glimpse of its pure form.
Hi Swahilya!!!
Hugs, JJ
Yes true JJ. It is like connecting a 40 watt bulb directly to a high voltage power supply! For each electrical euipment, only that much power it can handle can be connected.
Good one Swahilya, It is just here and now.
yes fruitu - everything boils down to just being in the now!
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