Anahata Naada
Anahate Patrakarne Bhagnashabde Sariddrute
Shabdabrahmani Nishnataha Param brahmadhigacchathi
Sound or Naada is classified as two types in classical music. One is Ahata Naada or sound that is created by playing on a musical instrument or by the human voice. The other is Anahata naada that is not created, but just exists in creation. This Tantra talks about listening to the unstruck sound that happens uninterruptedly like a flowing river. One who is able to withdraw into a silent space without and even from the noise of the mind within, becomes an adept in hearing this sound in the heart energy centre or the Anahata chakra. Listening to this sound absorbs one into the supreme Brahman consciousness. - Swahilya Shambhavi. (Photo: Guilia strumming at my veena when she came home, clicked by my friend Susan. Muthalaly)
I am often amazed at the way you choose the right picture for your post! Withdrawing into the silence-what a lovely image! Thank you, Swahilya.
Welcome Meena! Thanks.
Great great designing!! loved the arthanadheeshwar picture.
Welcome merging point! Gratitude goes to the Chief Designer!
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