Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Vignana Bhairava Tantra - 40

Merge with the silence before and after sound

Yasya Kasyapi Varnasya Purvantavanubhavayet

Shoonyaya Shoonyabhootosau Shoonyakarah Puman Bhaveth
Whoever meditates on the silence before the chanting of a mantra or sound and the silence at the end of the mantra - such a person who meditates on the silence, stillness and void - becomes that which he meditates upon.
Just like sound which has vibrations of a particular wavelength and frequency, silence also has the highest frequency of vibrations. when the mind focusses on something for a while, it becomes that. In this method, the mind that focusses on the silence becomes the silence itself. - Swahilya Shambhavi. (Picture taken by Bina Aditya during the Dua at the Sufi Dar in Chennai - a place where God in every form is worshipped.)


Anonymous said...


I really like your blog.
I've had the link saved for ages now.
You should make an autobiographical entry about how you came to an interest in the Vijnanabhairava Tantra and your experiences with it.

Swahilya Shambhavi said...

Welcome Steven, Thanks. Will do it sometime.