Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Vignana Bhairava Tantra - 43

Your true body

Nijadehe Sarvadikkam Yugapad Bhaavayet Viyat

Nirvikalpa Manaas Tasya Viyat Sarvam Pravartate

As one contemplates on the four directions around the body, one comes to realise that the true body is directionless space. There is space to the front of you, space behind you, space to your right and space to your left. This space in which you are in, is endless. Contemplating on this space, the mind becomes motionless, like space and becomes that space ultimately. - Swahilya Shambhavi. (Pic: Above the clouds somewhere on earth between the United States and France! The Universe is shrouded by an ocean of endless space, which is our real body.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Check out my rendering of this verse. I quite like it (maybe cus I made it, lol): It's in the style of Paul Reps' Zen-style translation of this book but with more detail (his translation often prefers poetry over the practical details of the practice).

focus on the void in every direction
all around you
no-minding the center