Space around and within
Prishtashoonyam Moolashoonyam Hrid Shoonyam Bhavayetsthiram
Yugapad Nirvikalpatwat Nirvikalpodayastataha
By focussing one's awareness on the empty space behind, around and between the thoughts and also realising that in the heart of the thought too, there is nothing but empty space, the mind becomes in tune and merges with the space. In that state of Nirvikalpa, where there are no thought constructions or formations that divert the attention of the mind in one way or the other, there arises the ultimate truth that is always present. - Swahilya Shambhavi.
Wonder why I stayed away so long! Reading this blog is like practicing meditation for me...I feel the same sense of calm and peace. Thank you, Swahilya!
Welcome Meena!
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