Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Vignana Bhairava Tantra - 78

Seated in a relaxed posture
Mridvasane Sphijaikena Hasta Padau Nirashrayam|
Nidhaya Tatprasangena Para Poorna Matir Bhaveth||

Seated on a soft textured mat on one buttock, raising the other, relaxing the hands and legs, if one places the body in this manner at that moment, the intellect becomes united with the Supreme completeness. Here a specific asana or posture is mentioned where you sit with the right leg folded and the left leg placed on the ground, over and away from the right thigh. There are many such yogic postures when practiced in a state of relaxation for long periods of time, can take the being into deeper awareness and experience the complete supreme essence. - (In Pic. baby Anushka takes her big toe to the mouth. Relaxation comes naturally to babies and hence hatha yoga postures too! - Text and Pic. Swahilya Shambhavi.)

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Vignana Bhairava Tantra - 77

Realisation through Mudras

Karankinya Krodhanaya Bhairavya Lelihanaya|
Kecharya Drishtikalecha Paraavaptih Prakashate||
Five Mudras of the Tantric practice are mentioned here. Mudras are postures of the body and mind. They are to be practised only under the guidance of a Guru. Seated in a mudra and focussing one's attention on it, the Supreme truth is revealed. - Swahilya Shambhavi.