Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Vignana Bhairava Tantra – 91

Jump off from the visarga diving board

Varnaysya Savisargasya Visargantham Chiti Kuru|
Niradharena Chittena Sphured Brahma Sanatanam||

In this meditative practice which Lord Shiva explains to us through his disciple Goddess Parvathi, the Visarga is used as a tool for meditation. The Visarga : has the sound of ‘Ha’ and is placed at the end of some letters in Sanskrit such as Rama: Krishna: Shiva: Hari: Guru: or Lakshmi:  When pronounced, they sound like Ramaha, Krishnaha, Shivaha, Harihi, Guruhu and Lakshmihi. The meditator  is asked to take up a letter with its visarga to chant it and allow the mind to drop with the visarga. When the mind becomes supportless, it touches the supreme reality that is ever present. - SS

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