Expand yourself
Sarvatra Bhairavo Bhavah
Samaanyeshwapi Gochara : |
Nacha tadwayatirekena parosthi
dwaya gati : |
सर्वत्र भैरवो भाव : सामान्येश्वपि गोचर : |
न च तद्वयथिरिक्तेनअपरोस्ति द्वया गति : ||
This tantra is an expansive
awareness that is everywhere and in everything. Experience the Bhairava
consciousness even in the most ordinary people and things that are perceived by
the senses. There is none different or other than Bhairava – contemplating on
this thought leads to the path of non-dual reality. – SS
Equal to a friend and foe
: shathrau cha mithre cha samo manaavamaanayo :|
: paripoornathwaath iti jnaathva sukhi bhaveth ||
सम : शत्रौ च
मित्रे च समो मानापमानयो : |
ब्रह्मणः परिपूर्नत्वात्
इति ज्ञात्वा सुखी भवेत् ||
The one who is equal in his
relationship with a friend or an enemy, same in the face of praise or ridicule
and who is aware of the completeness of reality is always happy. – SS
No anger no hatred
Dwesham Bhaavayeth Qwapi Na Raagam Bhavayeth Kwachith |
Vinirmukthau Madhye Brahma Prasarpathi ||
न द्वेशम्
भावयेत् क्वापि न रागं भावयेत क्वचित् |
विनिर्मुक्तौ मध्ये ब्रह्म प्रसर्पति ||
hatred comes, never give your attention and importance to it. When you dwell on
the thought of hatred with your energy, it only gets stronger and more
virulent. In the same way, do not get attached too much to anyone, anything or
any thought. When the mind is free of
attachment and hatred, in that space between these two qualities, the ever
expansive Brahman is always available. - SS