Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Vignana Bhairava Tantra - 64

The together space

Vaayudwayasya Samghattath Antarva Bahiranthathaha| Yogi Samathwa Vignyaana Samudgamana Bhajanam||

The breath that sustains us is like the rope on the pulley that draws water from the well. But in the case of the breath, the air is outside and inside. This method of concentration tells us to focus on the union point of the breath within and without.
When the breath goes in during inhalation, it comes in contact with an empty space as if close to the heart in the lungs. This is the meeting point of the prana with the apana vayu or air. Prana gives life. Apana is present where there is no life too. Same way, when the exhalation happens, the outgoing breath enters to about the same length of space outside the body, beneath the nostrils. Focussing on these two points where the breath touches in and reaches out, brings the mind to a state of stillness. What observes that stillness and movement of the breath is the true self. - Swahilya Shambhavi. (Pic. Tamraparani beneath the setting sun.. Pic. Swa Sham)


fruitu said...

nice pic and nice post....aana paana sati.....

Swahilya Shambhavi said...

Yes, Aana Paana Sati Yoga!