Friday, February 7, 2014

Vijnana Bhairava Tantra – 101

Don’t worry about negativities

Kama Krodha Lobha Moha Mada Matsarya Gochare|
Buddhim Nistimitam Kritwa Tattatwamavasishyate||

Many negative emotions do crop up in the mind – intense desire for a person or thing, mighty or frivolous anger, greed delusion, arrogance
and jealousy are the same. When they rear their head in the intellect, simply freeze that thought and study its content deeply. It is just a feeling that has a name
which is nothing but sound vibrations and ultimately pure energy that comes out of existence.
This opportunity can be seized rather than contemning the feeling, or feeling guilty or angry about it or worse – to suppress it. – SS

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