Friday, February 7, 2014

Vijnana Bhairava Tantra – 102

Everything comes and goes

Indrajalamayam Vishwam Vyastam Va Chitra Karmavat|
Bhramadwa Dhyatah Sarva Pashyatascha Sukhodgamaha||

This whole world we see around us is an illusion called Maya. Maya means, that which is not.
What we see is like a magic net of constant change. It is either imaginative, as in the case of our thoughts or like a work of art.
It is also a confusing spin sometimes. Meditating upon everything in this way, joy arises. This world is an illusion. It is not a confusing or non-existent imagination. It happens right in front of us – moments pass by, days go by, nights come, people are born and die, trees die and are born, new leaves sprout and old leaves fall. It happens every moment – only we fail to realise that change. Meditating on these changes makes us see the truth and joy arises as a result. - ss 

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