Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Vignana Bhairava Tantra - 59

Empty space in and out
Ghatadi Bhajane Drishtim Bhittees Tyaktwa Vinikshipeth|
Tallayam Tatkshanad Gathwa Tallayath Thanmayo Bhaveth||
In this technique of Tantra, Shiva teaches on meditating upon the empty space within the pot. Space is the first creation of the mind and from space the other four elements emerge. Taking a deep look at the space inside the pot, the mind forgets for a moment the presence of the walls of the pot. By focussing on the space, the realisation that everything is just the same space happens. In that moment of merging with empty space, the mind also becomes that oneness which is its essential self. - Swahilya Shambhavi.

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