Sunday, December 22, 2013

Vignana Bhairava Tantra – 93

When it hurts

Kinchidangam Vibhidyadau Teekshna Suchyadina Tataha|
Tatraiva Chetana Yuktva Bhairave Nirmala Gatihi||

This Dharana, may sound a bit too harsh to our sensitivities. It says, pierce your body a bit with a sharp object like a needle and bring your attention to the spot where you experience pain. The mind immediately gets united with consciousness.
This is not any new technique of concentration though. For ages, it has been the practice of people to observe Tapasya such as inserting sharp hooks and spears into the body and pulling chariots or piercing the tongue with small spears etc. The process gathers all the rays of the mind to that point of pain and consciousness is experienced.

We need not in fact do any such thing. Modern day medical treatment puts us through such painful injections. We even go through pain on account of our body and sometimes it is  the pain of emotions, hurts, separation. Whenever there is any pain, totally bring the mind to the point where it throbs. In a brief while, the mind quietens and gets absorbed in consciousness – Bhairava. This is a beautiful way to make painful moments into meditative moments. – SS.

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