Saturday, December 28, 2013

Vignana Bhairava Tantra – 98

 Focus on the thought

Icchayam Athava Jnane Jaate Chitta Niveshayath|Atmabuddhyaananyachetaaha Tatastathwartha Darshanam||

There is another way to concentrate when a desire or a thought arises – bring the total attention of the mind to that alone. The intellect that sees this desire or thought should be firmly established as a pure witness and not strengthen the desire or thought or try to suppress it. This is just like flashing a torch at every passing thought. If this is done to the exclusion of all other thoughts, then one gets to the essential illumination that is  behind every thought and desire which is nothing but a strong thought.In a shadow puppet show, all the names and forms of  the different dolls may be good, villanous, loving, jealous, angry etc, but the light and shade that illumines them is  just one. – SS

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