Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Vignana Bhairava Tantra – 95

The changes happen in the changeless self

Maya Vimohini Nama Kalayah Kalanam Sthitham|
Ithyadi Dharmam Thathwanam Kalayanna Prithagbhaveth||

Instead of trying to focus on the changeless absolute which is not easily comprehended by the mind, Lord Siva tells us to observe Maya herself. What is not, buut appears to be, is Maya. So she is called Vimohini or a special deluder. She operates in time and space as ever changing names and forms. Meditating on this transient nature of all that we see, smell, taste, touch, hear and think about, we soon understand that the perceiver of ll this is different from the perceived. Through all our years lived, only one person experiences all the changes we go through. When we move from babyhood to childhood and then to youth, it is not a different person each time who is experiencing it. The realisation of the changeless self happens this way too. – SS.

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