Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Vignana Bhairava Tantra – 94

There is nothing inside to know

Chittadyantah Kritirnasti Mamantar Bhavayediti|
Vikalpanamabhavena Vikalpairujjhitobhaveth||

This is a beautiful meditative method where the seeker tries to understand that there is indeed no inner equipment called the Anthah Karana comprising the mind, memory, intellect and ego. The nature of the mind is two-fold – Sankalpa or positive thinking and Vikalpa – negative thinking. When we resolve to do a good action, it is Sankalpa and when some crazy and improbable imagination is raging, it is Vikalpa. When you realise there is no mind, Vikalpa also is gone; One becomes free of all imaginations. The four great imaginations are, “This is myself.” – of the Ahamkara. The next is, “I did this and I enjoy or suffer for it.” – This imagination is by the intellect. The third imagination is, “This is myself and everything else is different from me. I like this and I don’t like this.” The fourth imagination is the memories of the past and the anxieties of the future.

The Antahkarana, the inner thought equipment is a divine creative preservative and destructive force. When it serves the individual body, it becomes a binding factor. It is not a question of wishing away the ego, intellect, mind and memory, but making a thorough analysis to discover that it is actually not there. – SS

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