Saturday, December 28, 2013

Vignana Bhairava Tantra – 97

Who am I?

Yada Mamaiccha Nothpanna Jnanam Va Kastadasmi Vai|
Tathvoham Tatha Bhoothaha Talleenastanmana Bhaveth||

In the previous verse, the exercise was to quieten the mind by drawing the desires back to its source. This verse takes the contemplation to the next step. “When my desire does not arise, nor is any thought born, then who indeed am I?” When this question is asked repeatedly, the realisation that I am the essential nature of existence dawns and merging with that source, the mind becomes that essence itself.

This is the simplest method that Sri Ramana Maharshi suggested to his disciples to do, to ask, “Who am I? - SS

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